Cycling has an important part to play in making cities more sustainable. It is a quick, healthy, affordable and non-polluting form of. More cycling will lead to less congestion by reducing the number of short car trips. It will also help reduce air pollution and bring improvements in street environment.
A very important goal for contemporary townplanning is to be successful in encouraging people to switch from car travel to public transport, and now we need to go even beyond – to put in place the changes that will enable more people to combine public, pedestrian and cycling transport.
Successful cycling cities all have a range of complementary programmes that indirectly support cycling. Achieving an increase in cycling in, will be dependent on the positive contribution from other integrated transport and regeneration initiatives. All development work and plans, should aim to make the cycling environment safer and more attractive by using pro-cycling design criteria. This includes improving road maintenance, reducing traffic volumes and decreasing vehicle speeds, by encouraging planners and engineers to design for growth in cycling.
Wide range of initiatives will affect cycling as a practical transport choice. They can contribute in a variety of ways, for example:
• remove barriers to cycling ;
• offer advantages in terms of infrastructure, access, safety, comfort, journey time ;
• affect attitudes and perceptions about cycling ;
• offer incentive to change mode of transport .
There is scope for townplanners to be more creative in incorporating cycle improvements into improvement schemes, for example, including upgraded cycle lanes in bus priority projects. Integrating cycling improvements into other schemes has the added advantage of reducing disruption and costs by making sure works are carried out simultaneously.
A planned network of cycle routes has to provide fast, safe and comfortable conditions for cyclists. For this purpose it means:
• minimised effort for cyclists;
• enables uninterrupted, unobstructed movement at a steady speed;
• easy to follow;
• well surfaced routes;
• maintains priority through junctions;
• a good user satisfaction rating;
• a good journey time rating;
• enhances the environment, distinctive character and improves ambience for cyclists and others;
• identifies and addresses cyclist casualty locations;
• manages conflict with motor traffic and pedestrians;
• raises driver awareness of cyclists;
• clarifies positioning of cyclists and other highway users.
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